Your step to efficient knowledge management

Polly.Help ‘s knowledge management platform always provides quick access to

  • the correct answer,
  • at the right time,
  • by the right people,
  • throughout your organization.

Find out how we optimize your knowledge management.
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The obstacles of modern knowledge management

Customer support management, IT management, knowledge management or CIO, and do you recognize these challenges?

The cost

The Hidden Costs and Risks of Inadequate Knowledge Management

Inefficient, time-consuming and expensive processes

Limited access to knowledge and information for call center agents leads to customer frustration and lower customer satisfaction.

Reduced customer and employee experience

A lack of relevant information hampers agents' resolution skills, leaving customers frustrated and less satisfied.

Loss of critical knowledge

A lack of documentation and knowledge sharing can lead to the loss of valuable information and skills when employees leave.

Reduced competitiveness and adaptability

Knowledge management helps in the adaptation and innovation of an organization, thereby strengthening its competitive position.

Increased risk of compliance problems

Inadequate knowledge management poses compliance risks, such as data privacy and security breaches.

Insufficient decision-making

Limited access to information leads to poor decision-making, which hinders organizational success.

Elevate Logo

Improve the customer and employee experience

Innovative Independent Knowledge Management Platform

Processes & insights

Optimize Knowledge Management with Integration, Standardization and Control

  • Customization and integration options available for knowledge portals and APIs
  • Use third-party input variables for fast, accurate auto-suggestions
  • Integrate and make customizations in Polly.Help for seamless integration into business systems and processes.
  • Easy and single source of access for employees
  • Helps the knowledge manager ensure current, accurate and findable information
  • Information can be added quickly, if required.
  • Workflow, notifications and reminders improve process efficiency and reduce errors.
  • Helps knowledge manager remind specialists of important tasks and deadlines
  • Increases the involvement of specialists, thereby reducing the risk of errors
  • Good statistics equal competitive advantages for the organization
  • Polly.Help Provides knowledge base performance and feedback reports for optimization
  • Analytics API for custom reporting, including data extraction and enrichment.

Streamline Knowledge Management & Simplify Collaboration

  • Continuous improvement of knowledge portal through built-in feedback mechanism
  • Get valuable insights about the effectiveness of information used by agents, employees or customers
  • Constantly improve content with user suggestions.
  • Defined set of actions for administrators and authors based on user roles
  • Content approval process
  • Ensure quality and accuracy of content on knowledge portals.
  • Improved collaboration and teamwork across the organization
  • Promotes a culture of knowledge sharing and learning
  • Leads to innovative initiatives
  • Keep track of changes
  • Secure accurate and up-to-date information
  • Helps reduce risk
Customized knowledge

Provides Unlimited Access to Knowledge

  • Search function with AI technology improves findability of knowledge items
  • Search function is refined for precision and efficiency to improve customer experience
  • NLP helps effectively match user queries with stored content
  • Knowledge management platform supports all world languages
  • Supports designing and building a knowledge base in one language and translating to other languages
  • Reduces the complexity and overhead of writing in multiple languages
  • Knowledge portals can be tailored to business needs and have public or secure access
  • Can be used standalone or embedded in enterprise systems
  • Provides context-based auto suggestions
  • Define a specific answer to a question by channel, such as phone, email, chat and website
  • A specific answer provides a more efficient response to the customer’s question.
  • Accelerates employee handling speed

Enables Employees to Achieve Top Performance.

  • Guided support for complex problems with solution guidelines
  • Ensures compliance and provides appropriate service
  • Step-by-step help with complex processes and problem solving.
  • Knowledge is structured to meet the needs of customers, agents and employees
  • Polly.Help enables the creation of multiple knowledge bases with associated taxonomies
  • Provides many navigation options for multiple business units, departments, locations, brands or languages from a single archive.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Helps the knowledge manager ensure that employees can focus on needed information
  • Reduces time spent searching for information
  • Employees have remote access to information and can collaborate more easily as a result
  • Helps the knowledge manager ensure remote employee access to information
  • Improves efficiency and productivity

We garanderen maximale veiligheid

Het kennisbeheerplatform Polly.Help wordt gehost op de Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud-infrastructuur. AWS heeft een bewezen staat van dienst in het leveren van betrouwbare, beschikbare/afhankelijke en schaalbare cloud-oplossingen en past het hoogste beveiligingsniveau in de industrie toe op basis van industriële en overheidsbeveiligingspraktijken.

Schaalbaar en beschikbaar kennisbeheer met 99,9+% uptime

  • Polly.Help kennismanagement platform ingezet op hoog beschikbare cloudinfrastructuur
  • Kan grote hoeveelheden informatie en een groeiend gebruikersbestand aan
  • 99,9+% cumulatieve uptime over de laatste 5 jaar.

Polly.Help is ISO27001 gecertificeerd

  • Polly.Help is ISO27001 gecertificeerd, wat betekent dat wij volledig voldoen aan de internationaal erkende normen voor het beheer van informatiebeveiliging.
  • Polly.Help zorgt ervoor dat gevoelige informatie wordt beschermd en zorg draagt voor een voortdurende verbetering in haar informatiebeveiliging.

Become and stay compliant

with applicable regulations and standards, by informed employees

Increase customer and employee satisfaction

With complete and accurate information

Reduce time-to-productivity

With effective training and onboarding

Transform your organization

With the power of Polly.Help's independent knowledge management platform

The advanced, innovative solution that provides seamless access to trusted knowledge anywhere, anytime


Employee efficiency


Employee training time


Customer experience scores


Operational and support costs


Contact Center escalations


Customers tell how Polly.Help changed their organization

Polly.Help gave us an immediate 60% discount on standard queries.

Anja Buitenman

Consumer Contact & Care Team Lead

Polly.Help helped us more than half the time of work from 4 minutes to 1.5 minutes per call.

Sjoerd Ottenheim

Service Advisor

Through Polly.Help, our frontline staff can handle more questions themselves and residents have their questions answered faster.

Paul van Ladesteijn

Services Project Manager

management engineering

The complete knowledge management solution, your search is over


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